
8th anniversary of HTTYD (for me)! *Updated* (2024.09.06.)

It's been 8 years since I've met the world of HTTYD and it made me a lifelong enthusiast. So, this red letter day deserves a very special post! I've been considering for some time, that I should make a catalogue of what kind of HTTYD relics I own. Somewhere I found it too personal to show them all, but recently I really felt it's time for it... Come to think of it, this way I don't always have to explain anymore who's interested in them what features or abilities they have. So yes, in this post I'll show you all the pieces I have in my collection. Their number is constantly growing, (especially lately) so it's getting a bit of a mess. For this reason, it would be nice to keep track of where my collection has expanded over the years. The post will be updated when a new artifact arrives!

Click on "read more" to see my collection and their stories.

So... first of all, I want to clarify something. I am NOT(!) writing this post to show off or to brag! NO! HTTYD means the world to me and I would never exchange my love for it for some views or likes! This is really just a catalogue for those of you who are curious what artifacts I've managed to acquire so far.
Okay... I admit, I have a bit of pride that I have artifacts in my collection that not many people can have in their rooms, but I've done everything I could and worked hard for them and each one has its own strange (sometimes several pages long) story. I'll write a short synopsis for each of them, but this will take awhile. :D Obviously the collection will be extended and updated with time!

The relics in the categories are in chronological order, but the categories themselves are not necessarily, unless specifically mentioned!!! You can view the pictures in bigger size if you click on them!

Note: I updated the catalogue and the ones you see a * next to their name arrived after the post was published and are therefore not in the picture above!

Update (2024.02.29.): For the occasion of Hiccup's birthday, I took an updated  picture of my collection. These now include the "starred" items as well. However, collecting never stops, so surely there will be new beauties soon that won't be included in this update. I will mark these pieces with ** until a new one is made. Here is the current status:

(Click on the image for full size, then open it in a new tab to zoom in.)

Action figures

I'll start where it all began. After 3 years of tabooing and when I couldn't take it anymore, I wanted to see Toothless in some kind of physical form. It also meant that if anyone came into my room, they could see him and ask me some questions that I was not prepared for (at the time) and would made me in a very difficult situation. (This topic should deserve a separate post… hmm… maybe one day). It was a hard decision, but I had to undertake him. I thought a lot about which one I should start my "coming-out" with. I didn't want to begin with a huge one right away, it would have way too obvious. So, I settled on a medium sized figure. I was eyeing with one for a while anyway and it turned out to be a perfect choice!

Toothless Action Dragon:

In theory the first, but in practice the second. To make it clear... I wanted to start with him, but a different kind came in the package. (See it below). I was very, very happy with that one too and yes, I would've got him with time, because he was on the list, but with those red stripes he would've been too noticeable. I would've been able to return him, because as soon as I saw him, he grew on me! So I ordered another one, but as it turned out, he was already relatively rare that time, so they sent me the new edition instead. Anyway, after several weeks of waiting, he arrived and I presented him to my family the same day. If they were (unfortunately) not that impressed, I certainly was! You can spread his wings in 3 different positions, but he's main ability is that you can wind his tail up like a clock (but carefully, because you can feel it literally is hurting him after a point and it's definitely not good for his mechanics) and then by pressing one of his back spines, he starts spinning very fast (you can even feel the wind he creates)! I've only tried his ability a few times as for me they are collector's items, not toys!!!

Toothless Power Dragon (with special racing stripes):

Here's the action figure I mentioned above. Technically, I should've started the list with him, but I don't want to complicate it any further. Anyway, he looks super cool and he has translucent wings, which gives a very unique effect! It's based on the Dawn of the Dragon Racers short film (which I still haven't seen and I'm saving it for a VERY special occasion, as it's the last bit of a now-gone era).

Toothless Action Dragon (with fiery wings):

Except for the fiery wings attachment, he's identical in every way to the original Action Dragon Toothless. Explanation at Missile Attack Night Fury!

Mega Toothless:

After I got the previous ones and had pretty much gotten my family used to the idea of having more and more of these beauties in my room from now on, I could finally get him without looking like a complete weirdo. Needless to say, my favourite action figure! He's huge, gorgeous, massive and I could go on and on praising him! After a while, I couldn't resist the urge and had to hug him... It felt so good, that I did it more and more, to the point that now I sleep with him EVERY(!) night! It's been going on for years and unfortunately its start to show up on him. He's the only exception I could no longer consider him as a collector's item. I had to glue some of his parts back more than once and unfortunately the marks are quite visible. I'm not talking about small things... I have to admit, he's very robust and it's amazing how he can withstand such big forces! :) When the signs really started to show, I acquired a brand new one, who I try to keep in his original condition and he really serves as a collector's item and not as a sleeping companion. (The picture above is from the new one). You can only turn his head, but it's fine. His posture is perfect and everything else on him! He's fine as is!

Missile Attack Night Fury:

As his name suggests, he can shoot! He comes with one projectile, which if it gets lost... well, you can start looking for it, because there is no more! It was a pain to get him, as he was a rarity even at the time! So much so, that when I first ordered him, I've got a Toothless Action Dragon (the fiery winged one, which I also didn't had that time). I also couldn't sent him back, so I made another attempt. This time he was really the one, but unfortunately somewhere along the way he disappeared without a trace. :'( I waited weeks for him to show up, but after a month, I gave up. I wrote to the seller and he couldn't do anything about it, so I got my money back. To this day I wonder where he is, what happened to him, but I'll probably never know...*sigh*. Anyway, I didn't give up and with some luck, I found another one, which finally arrived after a month. I'm very careful with him, he's very rare and I've only tried his shooting ability a few times. If he doesn't seem as detailed and accurate as the ones I mentioned above, he can do things the others can't! For example, he can open his mouth! Not many figures can do that, even though it's a pretty important body part of his, he even got his name from it... interesting. Another feature is that you can close his wings and then press a button on his side that shoots them out. Very, very cool! His abilities more than make up for his details! Very special piece... and RARE!!!

Giant Fire Breathing Toothless:

I got him as a gift from my family last year for my hatch day. I never thought I would get such a beauty from them, but at least they really surprised me! He's huge (almost as big as Mega Toothless)! However unlike him, he has several abilities. For example, you can open his wings. It has three different positions and they're wide! He can also shoot, thus he can open his mouth as well! First, you have to click the projectile into his mouth, then he can release the plasma blast by pressing his left ear! The shot is not very powerful and you only get one projectile, so you have to be careful! But what really takes the cake is his fire breathing ability! Now that's something amazingly cool! There's a valve on his saddle, which you can open to drip water into a small reservoir. Then you need 3 AAA batteries to put in his belly and he's ready to breathe fire... or should I say, steam! Yes, by pressing his large right ear, after a short time, he will actually start to emit steam from his mouth! To make it even more spectacular, there's a blue LED in his mouth that really gives a fire/plasma like effect (best in pitch black). There's also 2 blue LEDs in his back, which I guess is trying to imitate the bluish glow on his back spines, but unfortunately since he's only have very tiny ones, (a bit of a pet peeve of mine) it's not that spectacular... Unfortunately, as good as he is, the details and accuracy, leaves something to be desired (compared to Mega Toothless). The proportions would be fine, but unfortunately, there's a sense of cutting corners in places. For example, his little ears are only painted on his head (grrr....) and when I press his big ears, a pointy piece of plastic presses them against it. It's even painful for me too... But aside from these, overall a very cool and awesome action figure!


HTTYD: THW Toothless action figure:


I'll put the video here, where I analysed him quite a bit. I've written a short synopsis also in a post, which you can read here: Link (it appears on a new tab).

Hiccup and Toothless action figure:

I received this Toothless figure (along with Hiccup) from my newly found friend (who is also a true enthusiast, and from now on, I will refer to him as Toothless). I haven't seen this type of design anywhere before, and moreover, I didn't even know that the yellow-tailed version was actually a real thing and that there were several series of it (it only appeared in one episode of RTTE with the yellow tail prosthetic). It has quite a few interesting abilities.

Although it may not be apparent in the picture, its main wings are translucent, and they can be adjusted at three different heights. Its arms and legs are poseable, and it can shoot plasma blasts too. Just like a bullet comes with it, so it's worth paying attention to where it flies. The saddle on it is from the second movie version and it's gray instead of brown, which creates an interesting mix (especially with the yellow tailfin). Nevertheless, its proportions are relatively fine, and its facial expression is very cute!


Well... If acquiring the action figures and getting them used to my family was a daring and tough ride, this adds quite a lot of issues to the mix! Since I had a very, very deep taboo about HTTYD for a long time, you can imagine how much courage this took! At least the figures were only in my room and when I went out to the streets, no one could have assumed how obsessed I was. For a while that was fine, but one thought was bothering me more and more and it was the opposite situation! What if I am walking down the street and I am confronted by an equally obsessed fan in a "civilian" outfit. We simply walk past each other... It didn't take me too long to realise what I would lose! So I took a big breath and decided I had to show something to the outside world. How many fans have I walked past through who I could've made probably lifelong friendships with? There were already quite a few designs that I really liked, but I didn't had the courage to show them openly to strangers. It was a very complex and deep conflict, but in the end I really had to admit it that it would've been very sad indeed, if I don't even give the chance. So slowly but surely, I started to walk in these. Now, I ALWAYS show up in some kind of Toothless T-shirt, whether I'm going somewhere official or visiting friends. There are situations when the anxiety comes back, as it's too personal for me, but I'm quite comfortable with it nowadays (well, relatively). Some T-shirts are so personal, that I got them only for home use! Not because I'm ashamed of them, NO! It's just because they're too obvious and conspicuous! It's not good if someone's overdo it also, that's the other extreme (and that's really not a good thing)!!! That's a sign to me that it doesn't really mean much to him/her, because he doesn't feel the limit and they rather damaging the fandom instead respecting it (whichever it would be)! But, I talked enough, here they are!

Game of Dragons:

Here's my first T-shirt. I got it in 2017 and for many years it was the only shirt I wore. Unfortunately, by now its very, very worn out. I wanted to order a new one, but by then it was nowhere to be found... The design is very creative, clever and awesome! Toothless' pose is also very epic! I simply LOVE it! Toothless looks absolutely awesome and epic on it! I also really like Game of Thrones, with all of it's 7(!) seasons! Perfect combo!!!

Ink Fury:

This was the next one. Much more daring, because it's just him and in big! Since the Game of Dragons T-shirt was so worn out, I had to switch to this one. It took me an incredible effort, but now I wear it everywhere 70-80% of the time! The look on his face and the battle ready pose he's in is 100% him! Incredibly cool shirt! Unfortunately, not too long ago this one also started to show signs of wear and tear, but luckily he was available for a short time recently, so I ordered two. One for everyday use and one as a spare in case that one also get worn out in the upcoming years. I wanted to make sure, because I may never be able to get another one and the design of this one is just PERFECT!!! So HIM!!!!!!!
(The picture above is from a new one.)

Dragon Games:

Another "mashup", but also a very creative and clever one! In case you don't recognize it, it's based on the movie poster of The Hunger Games. (Google it if you didn't heard of it). Toothless looks very cool on it, with his usual soul piercing stare! He poses with absolute dignity and authority! If it's too risky or would be too much to wear the Ink Fury T-shirt in a community, I'd rather go in this one first.

My Patronus is a Night Fury:

It's also a mixed design, but brilliant! If you're familiar of the Harry Potter lore, you'll might know that the Patronus is actually a projection of the creature that you feel closest to you and it also has meaning! Now that's a beautiful metaphor in itself and to have a Night Fury with it... needless to say, it's just perfection! If I had a patronus, that's 1000 million percent it would be a Night Fury! It describes perfectly how deep I feel for him and I'm not joking!!! I wear it quite often, because it's very close to me and I love the message! Also, Toothless looks absolutely adorable on it and in big! <3

Toothless "blep":

After a while when I had the t-shirts that I dared to go out with, there were a few which I also really loved, but I thought they were too much. This one is a perfect example! I ordered it for home use only and wear it only in very special occasions! Only a few times a year! I take great care of it and yes... going out to the streets in this... Yikes! I'd get really anxious very quickly, because it really crosses that healthy line, where I'd really look like a loonatic. Regardless, I love it and always keep it in a very visible place in my room. I adore the expression on his face, but yes it's a bit too much and many people would think I only love him because he's cute, which is of course not true!!! You have to feel the difference and know where the line is! That is what makes you a real hardcore fan!

The Black Dragon:

A very clever combination as well! The original image is the poster of the Black Cat, the first modern cabaret/nightclub in France. A friend of mine (TCIaS) had it. Needless to say, I was very impressed and absolutely convinced that this one also has a place in my collection! I go in this one relatively often and it just doesn't cross the line! The text is in French, but it's not difficult to translate. On the right it reads "The Black Dragon's Tour" and at the bottom, "The Night Fury".

Strike class logo:

It was also originally planned for home use, (because of the grey base color) but I would wear it on the streets now! I haven't tried it yet, but what goes around comes around! I especially like the viking runes on it!

Dragon Moon:

I saw this on someone at MondoCon a few years ago. My heart rate immediately skyrocketed, so I knew I had to get this for myself! When I got home, the first thing I did was looking for it. I found it and ordered it! It's a beautiful, cozy design and has a trick up in its sleeve! It phosphoresce in total darkness! If that wasn't enough, believe it or not, it has an even bigger trick! Not only Toothless is on the picture, but also the Light Fury! Yep! But she's completely invisible in normal conditions! Now that's what I call creative! Very interesting and clever!

Here's an illustration. I couldn't get a good
picture about the real thing sadly...

Toothless's stare:

I also got this for home use. I just couldn't let it go! I love that picture of his face, not to mention that I have it on a T-shirt now! I've worn it maybe once or twice so far, but I still love it deeply! (Yes, this one also exceeds that certain threshold!)

Mini pocket Toothless:

My friend TCIaS showed me this piece and also get me one about a year ago. There were about 6 different versions and it was quite a dilemma to decide which one would be the closest to me! After a lot of thinking, this design won. I also like to show in this one, but not on the streets, because the picture is too small to be recognisable at far distances, but in an office or a small room it is simply gorgeous! Very cute and I love the art style!

Hiccup and Toothless:*

I recently stumbled upon this design. I instantly fallen in love with it and luckily, I found a place where it was available for order. I particularly like its depth! In the background, you can see the iconic scene from the first movie when the bond between them is formed, and in the foreground, their selves from 4 years later from the second movie. Genius idea! Its only flaw is that the printing wasn't perfect, and up close, it unfortunately appears a bit blurry and faded, but from a distance, it's not very noticeable.

Halloween Toothless:*

I found this one the same place, as the above mentioned one. Since Hallow... I mean Dreadfall was approaching, I had to get it! Toothless looks incredibly cute on it, and the drawing style is excellent! I ordered it together with the previous one, and interestingly, this one turned out sharp and flawless! I'll definitely wear this for every upcoming Dreadfall, that's for sure!

Synthwave Toothless:*

I've been wanting to get this kind of t-shirt design for years, but I couldn't find it anywhere until now. I found it on a website, and as soon as I saw it, it went straight onto my wishlist. As soon as I had the opportunity, I ordered it. The printing turned out quite well, and the design is pretty big on it! I really like the synthwave drawing style and Toothless's facial expression, as well as the huge "Night Fury" writing on it! I've been wearing it quite often lately.

Twilight Toothless:**

I encountered this pattern several years ago, but I finally found a place where I could actually get it! I really like the unmistakable silhouette of Toothless against the sunset! Although to some it may not be immediately obvious, and a layperson might think at first glance that it's just an average dragon, but he is anything but average!

Midnight Flight:**


In style, it's similar to the previous one due to the silhouette approach, but here there are many more hints clearly depicting the outline of a Night Fury! Moreover, its details are much more discernible. So much so that upon closer inspection, you can see Hiccup flying with him in the moonlight! It always reminds me of the first episode of the second season of the series, when they secretly fly behind Stoick's back. I think the inspiration might have come from there!

Unstoppable Toothless:**

Ah yes... I guess I don't need to say... Toothless in a large size, with a very impactful text above him! He truly is unstoppable! I really like his expression, and the Synthwave-like pattern in the background! It's sleek, impactful, and very fitting for beloved Toothless! It's no wonder it became one of my top favorite shirts!


We've come to the big guns! If you're not convinced what you've seen so far, well... then hold on to your helmet! This is one of the greatest examples where my obsession for HTTYD is the most evident! I won't add too much descriptions to them, as I've already written and talked about them a lot in previous posts. I currently have two, but I think I won't spoil that much if I tell you, there will be more in the future! Which ones? Well... let that be a surprise for now, but yes, this category will grow very soon! ;) What I would also like to add to this "briefing", is that I had to sacrifice a lot for them, as they are very expensive! Since they came from America, (and I live in Hungary) the shipping, customs and VAT costed at least as much as the statues themselves! I won't give you exact numbers, because my obsession of HTTYD is NOT(!) about money for me, so therefore I don't want to go into this subject any further, but I think you could quickly find out from these informations how much they really cost!

Sideshow Toothless statue:

Here's my unboxing and analysis video of him.

Unfortunately, he came with some damages on him (because of the customs) which made me pretty mad! I wrote a rant about it, which you can read here: Link (opens in new tab)

Sideshow's The Hidden World Toothless statue:

A relatively new acquisition of mine, he arrived around a month ago. Also in the video you can watch the unboxing and review of him!

Sideshow's The Hidden World Light Fury statue:*


A month after Toothless arrived, she landed in my room too. I also made an unboxing and analysis video about her!

Sideshow's The Hidden World Dart, Pouncer and Ruffrunner statue:*


A month and a half later, (after the Light Fury) they arrived too and with them, this 3 part collection set is now complete! I also made an unboxing and review video of them.

Taka Corp. Studio Toothless statue:*

He could be obtained from Sideshow in 2022. He wasn't available for long, so as soon as he came out, I ordered one. My first piece was from Taka Corp. Studio. I also made an unboxing video, so if you're interested in his unpacking and review, hit the play button. ;)
(Video review coming soon!)

Taka Corp. Studio's Toothless and Hiccup statue:*


Well... A real exotic! Not that the previous ones aren't, but even just the seer size of it, is something out from this world. The amount detail it has is simply amazing, but I wouldn't even want to put it into words how awesome this statue is overall, and compared to what it actually represents. Let the pictures, or more precisely the video, do the work!

Beast Kingdom Toothless statue:*

My German enthusiast friend showed me back in the summer of 2023 that another statue would soon be released. However, it turned out that "soon" meant a good 9 months... So there was nothing to do, but wait. The original website said that pre-orders would be available from February, but they were all sold out by November! I was quite worried then, but luckily, he found a German store where pre-orders were still possible. Without hesitation, I placed my order and waited and waited. Finally, at the end of February, it arrived without any prior notice. You'll find out the rest when you watch the video! ;)
(Video review coming soon!)

Art prints/posters

There are real exotics here too! If I'll have more wall space, I'll definitely get some more, but I'm still very happy with the ones that I own!

HTTYD 2 poster (framed):

My friend TCIaS showed these (as well as the one below). When I saw them, it was love at first sight and luckily I managed to get them quickly! They came in plain poster form, but it would've been a real disgrace to just simply tape them on the wall!!! They deserved so much more than that, so I bought them frames! The image itself is very interesting and I hadn't seen this version at that time!

Dragons: Defenders of Berk poster (framed):

Ahh yes! That's what I'm talking about! Toothless's facial expression and posture is purely amazing and it's one of my favourite pictures of him! It sums up his essence perfectly! Also in great size and detail! He looks gorgeous and I wouldn't take it off the wall, not by any chance! A real gem and I like that there are posters from the series too!

Sideshow Toothless and the Dragons of Berk art print (framed):

Another limited edition collectible from Sideshow. I did an unboxing and analysis video on this one as well, so I won't go into its merits here, as I've already done that in the video. :)

Sideshow There Were Dragons art print (unframed):*

Also a Sideshow acquisition. I've had it for a while, but I didn't take it out of the tube because I didn't had a frame for it at the time. I only bought the print because I was already planning to get the Dragons of Berk art print from the former fan (he had one too), so that I could put it in there. (See below.)
When I managed to get his framed print, I swap it for this one, but unfortunately, there is currently no space in my room where I could hang it... But what is delayed is not lost, and this obstacle will finally be solved in the near future! I really like the drawing style and how Toothless almost flies out of the picture! Only 400 pieces were made, so it's quite rare and it couldn't be available for long because it was quickly snatched up!
By the way, mine is the 64th! :)

Toothless's face art print:

This was given to me by a good friend of mine (Imperator) for my recent hatch day. He very(!) surprised me with it, because I secretly suspected that I would get some item of Toothless from him, but to get a huge art print on real canvas... Wow! Now that's something I didn't expect! I just LOVE that picture of his face! Now it's not only on a T-shirt, but also in the form of a big wall picture! Plus I've never seen this anywhere, so it's really something special!

HTTYD movie poster:**

Since I already had quite a number of HTTYD relics scattered in my room, aside from the two posters, the wall wasn't fully utilized. When I first visited my friend *Toothless*, I noticed he had quite large ones in his room. Eventually, I would have gotten the movie posters, but here I really felt the need to take action! I looked around and indeed, I could get them in much larger sizes than the previous 15x19" ones! There were even sizes like 27x40" available! So, on the 14th anniversary of the first film, I managed to order the official movie posters for the first and second films! Unfortunately, the first film's poster is a replica since it wasn't readily available due to its rarity. However, its quality is deceptively close to the real thing! The only slight hint is that the letters are a tad bit blurrier compared to an original, but that's the only difference! It looks amazing, especially in such a large size!

HTTYD 2 movie poster:**

The poster for the second film came straight from Los Angeles, and yes, it's an original print from 2014! It had been waiting alone in a warehouse for 10 years, longing for a devoted fan to finally adorn his/her wall! Of course, I made sure to do it justice, and each poster got a metal frame with quartz glass. I specifically planned to place the second film's poster right here, above the giant of Toothless and Hiccup statue, which obviously depicts a scene from the second film! The quality is simply astonishing(!), and even at this large size, there isn't a single blurry spot! Every "pixel" on it is razor-sharp, capturing every tiny detail perfectly! It's just flawless!

HTTYD: THW movie poster:**

I ordered the poster for the third film on my hatch day from the same seller where I got the HTTYD 2 poster. It's also an original print straight from America! Although it's not the most common image among the posters of the third film, I chose this one because the poster for the third film that was most often seen was already had in cardboard paper form (see my Comic-Con acquisitions). Plus, this one features Toothless in the largest size! The image itself also holds a great symbol, portraying a moment where the past meets the present! It's truly beautiful!


Since mugs are also quite common among fans, I made a separate category for them. So far I only have three, but I plan to get a few more later, because it's really cozy to drink the morning coffee or some other drink! I also got them from Imperator along with the art print above. All of the images of them are from the 2nd movie and according to him these were the only ones he found. The quality of the pictures on them is great and the mug is sturdy!

Toothless portrait (AI generated):**

I received this mug from my friend *Toothless* on my hatch day. He found the image previously, but told me that the original resolution wasn't very convincing, so he upscaled it using an AI. What's truly impressive about it is that despite being an AI generated image, it faithfully captures the organic essence of Toothless! His eyes are full of life, absolutely beautiful(!), and incredibly realistic! While there are some inaccuracies due to AI image generation, they don't detract from the overall impression. The lighting is stunning, the details are mesmerizing, and the expression perfectly captures Toothless's character! Knowing how much I love this image, *Toothless* was kind enough to have it made into a mug for me! Needless to say, it has become my go-to mug, and I drink my daily elixir (caffeine) from it every day. Thank you once again, *Toothless*! I simply adore it!!! <3  

HTTYD 2 mug:**

This true relic has been on my list for a long time. For many years... Since the 10th anniversary of the 2nd movie was on June 13, it was the perfect occasion to acquire it. (Along with the Art of HTTYD 2) Fortunately, I found one, but I was really lucky because it's becoming quite rare. On the side of the mug, you can see the crest of Berk, and on the other side, dear Toothless is climbing up, curious about what kind of elixir has been poured into it. By the way, he also serves as the handle of the mug, so you can pet him while drinking. :)
It can hold 3 dl of liquid, but I think I'll only use it on very special occasions, as it's rare, and I'm trying to preserve its current condition as much as possible.


Umm... well. This is one of my "shame spots", as I only have one... But I have an explanation! I've decided that I was only allowed to get them on anniversaries (as a sort of challenge) and if I saw them randomly somewhere! I have a pretty painful story about one of them... *sigh*. This was back when I was very reluctant to talk about my obsession, plus it was an anniversary of the first movie!

I said to myself, I'm not missing this one out! Perfect timing! I was just making up a cover story to explain it, but they called me to get back to them. I only left for a few minutes. By the time I got back, it wasn't there... I wouldn't wish that feeling to anyone!!! And only that one they took, none of the others!!! I was depressed for weeks!!! If I had more courage, it would be here in my room, but instead it's probably at a normie, or worse an impostor... It happened 5 years ago, but still hurts to this day! So near, yet so far! Very sad story, it should have been mine!

How to Train Your Dragon 2:

I saw it in the same Tesco and it was as also an anniversary. I remembered how badly I messed up with the first movie a few months back and I learned the lesson for sure! There was only one left, but I was much more cunning this time! I didn't care, I'm taking it home one way or another! So I took it and hid it deep behind a DVD stack of a random movie and went back in the afternoon. The tactic worked, but what came next... Now that was one of my most embarrassing stories, which deserves a post of its own, it was that of a cringe! Anyway, I finally managed to get back home with it and with great difficulties and at least I can cross this one out of the list. Needless to say, the others are on the list too, but I can't just randomly pick them up, because they are the movies themselves for Thor's sake! I have a very different attitude to them! But, what goes around comes around and I won't rest until I got them all on Blu Ray and that goes for the whole series too!

How to Train Your Dragon 3 (THW) 4K UHD HDR Blu-Ray 3D:*

Since the 5th (!) anniversary of the third movie just recently passed, it was a perfect occasion for it to finally become part of my collection. I ordered it on the anniversary day itself, and it arrived the next day! Moreover, I managed to get a copy of it in the best possible quality! I don't have a Blu-Ray player, so I can only admire it in its box and discs, but at least I can cross this item off my "shame list"... finally!

How to Train Your Dragon Blu-Ray 3D:**

In the paragraph, I state that out of the movies, I only had one, but now it's a thing of the past! Yes... It was a very old stain on my conscience, but I'm happy to report that I finally managed to wash it away! On the 14th anniversary of the first movie, I definitely wanted to get it because this was unacceptable! But when the time came, let's do it right! I wanted to get it in the best possible quality, but there was a hitch - it was nowhere to be found! Well, except in one place, but as soon as I ordered it, three minutes later, I got a call saying it was out of stock, only a Czech version was available... After a bit of ranting, I calmed down and searched the internet again, but from this point on, any means were allowed! Luckily, I found one piece on Jófogás! (A Hungarian online marketplace). It's Blu-Ray, and it's in 3D! Perfect! So finally, after 7 years, I managed to get this wonderful masterpiece in physical form! <3

How to Train Your Dragon 2 Deluxe edition:**

This is truly remarkable! In the Jófogás , this edition was included alongside the second movie! Not only is it finally on Blu-Ray, and in 3D, but it also comes with the Dawn of the Dragon Racers short film! (I still haven't seen it, but I'll definitely watch it on a very special occasion!) I think when it comes to the second movie, you can't get any better than this! There are 3 discs in the case! One for the 3D version, one for the 2D version, and one for the regular DVD! It's simply stunning! The front cover is completely new too!

How to Train Your Dragon Blu-Ray (Czech cover):**

This was also included in the Jófogás package! Yes, all 3 movies at once! w00t! If I'm not mistaken, this is the Czech version the seller mentioned when I was originally just trying to get the first movie. Hmm... well, at least I have it now! It's only in 2D, but at least it's on Blu-ray! The cover is quite unique too! I really love Toothless's expression on it! It's so typically him! <3


Yes, fortunately I've got a few of these. They're great to read and have lots of interesting background information! Real treats for a hardcore fan!

The Serpent’s Heir comic:

The first edition. I wouldn't say much about it, because of the spoilers! The artwork is great and the story is very interesting and also canon! So if you want to know what happened right after the 2nd movie, look no further!

Dragonvine comic:

It came out a couple of years later as the sequel of the Serpent's Heir, but I haven't read it yet, because I'm saving it for a very special occasion as well! Dark Horse hasn't published more comics like this, so I'll have to settle on these two for now... So that's another reason why I'm saving them! Interesting to know, it's named after the Berk's Grapevine fan site! (This was confirmed by the writers!) It was the biggest HTTYD community site at the time and have it's peak around the second movie. It's there I got most of my lexical knowledge about HTTYD and I spent a massive amount of time there during the honeymoon phase with the franchise! Those were the times! The fandom still had values too, I met a lot of loyal fans whose presence I felt pretty ashamed (they were so hardcore). Sadly, after the 3rd film, it became completely deserted and abandoned... Too bad! It's forum is also a sight to behold! I miss it a lot, but at least I got to know some real dedicated fans like IcelandicEel, Hictooth, Usertoothless, Tarch, PeeVee, Gh3ttoK!ng, NightFury2001 and I could go on and on... I miss the old fandom and it's sad what it become nowadays...*sigh*. (Except for the r/place event on april 1st, that bringed me hope and I felt just like in the good old times, even if it lasted for a few days!)

The Art of HTTYD: The Hidden World:

It was available shortly after the release of the 3rd film. I acquired right away! It's quite a hefty read, full with beautiful pictures and lots of interesting and exciting background infos about the last film!

How to Train Your Dragon: How to Fight a Dragon's Fury:

Yes, this is the last book! A friend of mine (HerrStephan) gave it to me as a gift for my hatch day few years ago. I cherish it greatly! The goal is of course to get the other books too, but I also want to get them all on a very special day or occasion!

Dragons brought to life:

I remember this one too. I saw it in the same Tesco at the book section. It was the 8th anniversary of the first film, so I grabbed it up! The book itself is quite interesting and it has infos about the later seasons of Race to the Edge too, not just the first 2 seasons! Awesome! As a bonus, it also comes with an app that lets you use Augmented Reality with your smartphone and put some dragons in the environment and control them in some degree. Some degree here means, unfortunately it's almost impossible (yes, I tried it). Anyway, a very nicely done book with amazing pictures, illustrations and interesting facts! The cover is also very cool! :D

(A bit of a translation for the lower text:
Így neveld a sárkányodat = How To Train Your Dragon
A kiterjesztett valóságban = In Augmented Reality

The Art of HTTYD 2: **

This wonderful, hefty book showcases the artistic world of the 2nd movie. It reveals how the final designs of the characters, dragons, and locations developed step by step. It’s an incredibly interesting read! The writers also share their personal experiences in it. It contains many beautiful images, storyboards, illustrations, and lots of other treats! A must-have for every true fan! I got it for the 10th anniversary of the 2nd movie (just like the HTTYD 2 mug). The timing was perfect to finally get it! :)


I have a few of these also! I keep them lined up next to my pillow, as sort of an army. I rather not go into their level of accuracy, because that's not what this "genre" is about, but there will be surprises later! Unfortunately, they don't have a specific name, so I'll be very creative in presenting them in chronological order and with a number.

Toothless plushie 1:

A few years ago, I was in a toy store with my friend Imperator (he was looking for a gift for someone) and I saw him on the top of one of the shelves, also was the last one and he looked down right at me... I didn't need more! I just couldn't leave him there! I took him home and finally got my first plushie!

Toothless plushie 2:

I saw him on a facebook ad. The 3rd movie was about to end it's screenings in cinemas and I thought they won't be available for long. He is much more detailed and realistic!

Toothless plushie 3:

The situation was similar to the first one. My friend Imperator was looking again for a present for someone and suddenly sent me a picture of him on messenger. And he was also the last one! I asked my friend to get him for me while he's there, because I don't have him yet and I don't want to miss the opportunity! A few minutes later, he sadly told me that he had just been taken... I felt the same sick feeling again, like when the first movie fiasco happened... I told him, if he saw who took him, somehow make it clear to the person what he mean to me, but I got no reply. A couple of hours later we ran into each other for a brief chat in the parking lot (as usual) and just as he was about to leave, he suddenly said, "doesn't I feel like I'm being watched?" I looked around and saw him in the back seat of his car!!! I'd rather not describe my reaction, because it would be pretty vulgar, (but I didn't scorned him, oh no! Quite the opposite!) but the relief I felt afterwards!!! Of course we had a good laugh about the joke afterwards, but when he sent me that picture of the void that he left... well that was anything but fun!!! Luckily everything turned out well and to this day I have the little darling next to my pillow! :)

Toothless plushie 4:

A friend of mine (who's also film director, by the way) surprised me with him one day when I was at his workplace. He had mentioned earlier that he had something for me, but when he was originally wanted give him to me, he couldn't find him anywhere. He searched his whole warehouse upside down and we looked for about an hour and again like the previous incident, he said someone might have taken him home. A few weeks later, he found him and gave it to me as a present. At first I was afraid it was the same plush as the 2nd one, but no! His design is very similar, but much bigger!

Toothless plushie 5:

Similar situation again... I saw this new edition of Toothless plushie at a MondoCon years ago and my heart nearly jumped out of my chest! A friend of mine was out there too, (the director) not as a spectator like me, but as a vendor. I visited him too and somehow HTTYD came up as a topic. I told him about the plushie and he said he'd get him for me! A long wait began, and when he came back around an hour later, he said he had already been taken... I think you can guess it now how I felt... Now this is one of my worst fears! A couple of years later, Imperator went shopping again in a toy shop in Budapest and sent me a picture of the big one. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity and I asked him to get him for me, because I wanted him for a long time! He listened to my prayers and it's so cool to have him now in the catalogue! Thanks again!!!! I sleep with him a lot too and I just can't get enough of him since! I love to cuddle with him (even for long hours)!!!

Toothless plushie 6:*

I got him as a Snoggletog gift by a friend of mine, Artica. I was very(!) surprised with him, because I really didn't expect it at all! At first I thought I had got another one of the 2nd plush, (but that didn't bothered me, because there's NEVER enough of him!) but looking at him closer, I realized I was looking at a brand new version! Yes, if not so obvious in the picture, but there are differences from the 2nd. Especially with the scale patterns (they're much more elaborate). Very sweet and certainly has his place among the others! Thanks again Artica, I will give back the favor somehow!

Toothless plushie 7:*
I found him at one of the fairs on the 1st of May. (It's the national holiday of work for us). There's usually a big festival nearby every year where you can find all sorts of stuff. There are usually 1-2 toy booths as well, which I always keep an eye on in case I find any HTTYD items. Unfortunately, apart from plush toys, there hasn't been much, but sometimes there are quite exotic ones among them that I haven't seen elsewhere. For example, here he is. His design is quite unique, but since he's Toothless, I couldn't just leave him there. Plus, there were two of them available, so I took both! :) At an autumn festival (also held there), I found three more of him, so they came home with me as well. So now I have a total of 5 plushies like him, and of course, I love each one equally! <3

Build A Bear Toothless:*

He had been on my list for a very, very long time, and of course, I could have gotten him anytime... But when it comes to collecting, I prefer when there's an unique story behind to them. His story is also unique because once, an American friend of mine posted a picture of him on one of my friend's Discord server. I was quite surprised to see him there, because I knew the person who posted the image wasn't HTTYD fan. It bugged me greatly (and I'm putting it very mildly) when I see Toothless with impostors (Grrrr...). Then the mystery unfolded... His mother had bought him with the intention of reselling him on eBay for a somewhat higher price... (It's better if I don't say anything about that...) BUT! The silver lining was that it presented a great opportunity for me to have him, where he will truly receive love and care! So I immediately messaged him that I was very interested! After some negotiation, we agreed, and 3 weeks later, he arrived to me from the USA! As it turned out, officially you can only get him from there! He's quite large and very soft! Absolutely adorable! <3

Toothless plushie 8:**

*Toothless* and I often browse toy stores in hopes of finding more HTTYD collectibles. After several unsuccessful attempts, in one of the shops we finally came across a few plushies. I immediately picked one and Toothless did too. Upon closer inspection, it turned out that this type of plushie was new even to me, as it is the latest edition! The scales on his body are much more distinct, for example. It's similar in size to the ones I already had, but this one became an unique addition to my collection!
Toothless plushie 9:**

We found this one on Children's Day (another national holiday) with *Toothless*. He happened to be with me, so we went down to the usual place where they hold these events in hopes of quickly grabbing one if they had any HTTYD collectibles. And they did! There were three of this type of plushie. Stylistically, it's very similar to the 7th one, but considerably smaller. Nevertheless, it has some uniqueness, and I can assure everyone that all three found very good homes! ;)

Toothless plushie 10:**

I spot him with *Toothless* while we were in one of the stores he often visits. To be precise, there was another one just like him on the same turntable shelf, so I guess it’s not hard to figure out that both of them quickly found loving owners. :) He must be a newer edition because the scales on his head are much more detailed compared to the previous ones.

Toothless plushie 11:**

In August 2024, I had two guests, and together we explored the Westend mall in Budapest. I knew there was a store there where you could buy all kinds of statues and plush toys. (I had seen some Toothless plushies there before, but I already had those.) Of course, my friends were also drawn to the many impressive dragon statues. I was also looking at them more closely when one of them called out to me, telling me to look over there. I glanced up, and that’s when I saw him in the display. (Though, to be honest, if they hadn’t said anything, I would have noticed it a few seconds later anyway.) Oh yes! I had been trying to get this one for quite some time, and finally, the perfect opportunity was here to grab it! (A few months ago, during one of our toy store visits with *Toothless*, we found the same one, but I gave it to him so his plush collection could grow too! :)) Without wasting time, I rushed into the store and asked the clerk if he could be taken away from the display. Luckily, he was, and I also found out he was the last one! So finally, I can cross him off my list! His special feature is that his large wings glow in the dark!

Mobile cases

After 3 years, my original phone case has given up on me. It was a flip-flop styled one and it begged for a replacement! It was perfect timing also, as I've always wanted a HTTYD themed one. I found a site where there were about 2-3000 different designs to choose from. I looked all of them and found only two HTTYD themed. I ordered them and here they are:

Toothless mobile case:

I currently use this one. The original Galaxy 9+ flip-flop case gave a good amount of protection to the phone, but also it was a bit of a hassle (e.g. I couldn't use the camera normally, because the front pad kept protruding in the view and I had to hold it in my other hand). That's history now and not only I can take pictures/videos normally, but I finally have him on the case of my phone!

Toothless mobile case (flip-flop):

Just in case, (no pun intended) I ordered the other one too. This one has a flip-flop design, but it's made from a much sturdier material than what the original Galaxy had. This one has his beautiful face as you can see and even if it's just a spare, I'm so glad that I have it in this form too!

ComiCon collection:

My film director friend (who I've mentioned a few times) occasionally invites me to comic book fairs. He also has a stall where he sells his own comics, t-shirts, mugs etc. I'm usually at his stall helping him, but obviously we're not the only ones. There are lots of other stalls where you can find some really awesome stuff! Since these stalls are mostly about Marvel and DC characters (Superman, Spider-Man, X-men, Batman etc.) obviously 95% of the time you can find figurines, books, pins and I could go on and on. However, sometimes there are characters from movies that are completely unrelated to comics! Every so often I look around carefully to see if I can find any HTTYD relics, and actually I rarely do! I made a separate category for them, because I come across them completely by coincidence!

Drago Bludvist figure:*

I found this figure at a random stall with action figures from all kinds of movies. Obviously, Drago isn't one of my favourite characters from HTTYD, but he's still related! Anyway, I don't know much about the origin of the figure, but I have to say, it's quite detailed and the paint job is nicely done! Also, quite large in size and it has some weight too! I keep the figure in my glass cabinet far away from (the other) Toothless('s), because I really don't want to see Drago near of him(/them)...Brrr! (Anyone who saw the second movie, knows why...)

Mini Toothless figure:*

I've met him at the last ComiCon (March 2023). It was a pretty big event with lots(!) of stalls. I thought for sure there would be something HTTYD-ish collectibles somewhere, just by the law of large numbers! I looked around very carefully, but there was nothing. And then I saw him among a bunch of other action figures at a stall! (By the way, I saw a picture of this figure a long time ago and now he's a real rarity!) Pulse rate instant 420, blood pressure too! Needless to say, I knew who's going to get him very soon, but there was just one problem. There was a lot of people looking at the stall and eyeing with the figures! So I felt a lot of stress on top of that! To make matters worse, I didn't have any cash, (and as it turned outthey don't accept cards) so I ran to the nearest ATM in a relatively nearby mall! I quickly got back to the event, praying that he won't be taken, meanwhile! (I couldn't bear that!) I quickly queued at the main entrance (which was also quite long) and before I got to the stall, I took a peek if he's still there, but luckily he was! I stand in the queue and when it was my turn, I quickly retrieved him!

Mini Light Fury figure:*

There was another figure next to Toothless, a little Light Fury! Because she's from HTTYD, I had to get her (I'm not picky at these events! If I see anything that has to do with HTTYD, it comes with me!) The figure's material is quite flexible and it's size is tiny by the way. Also, I don't know where she came from, but she's pretty detailed and nicely crafted!

Dragon figure:*

When the seller noticed how interested I was with these HTTYD collectibles, he also drew my attention to a larger dragon figure. I suspected it was from HTTYD, just from the style, but I couldn't quite identify the dragon's species not even till now. I'm guessing it's a Snifflehunch, the body resembles a lot like one, but the head has more similarities to a Snow Wraith... He could also be a very messed up Red Death. I'm not sure... There's not a timestamp on the figure, but I have a feeling, that it might be from the 2nd movie. In any case, I couldn't leave it there either!

HTTYD: The Hidden World paper cover:*

Continuing on from the previous one, when the vendor realised how obsessed I was with HTTYD, (I hadn't really concealed it by then, I also showed him my shirt (I was wearing the Ink Fury one)) he said they had another one that was HTTYD related if I'm interested (oh, for sure!) He pulled this one out of a pile of other paper covers! I immediately said yes! I asked if there were any other ones, but he said that was all! After that, I had another good look around all of the stalls, (several times) but there wasn't anything more, not even a single badge! So I can proudly declare, that I got all the HTTYD collectibles at that fair! Yaaaas! Luckily, nobody took anything from me (and that's very(!) reassuring)! Although, my only grief about them is that the figures are not brand new and clearly they were once belonged to someone else and that person, well... got bored with them... (Ouch!) That hurts a lot, but even more, if I think about what would have happened to them, if no one would ever picked them up... (I'm not even going to write that down!) So I'm glad I ran into them and thus they found a new home! I can also assure everyone, that they are now in the best possible place they can be and they will NEVER be in this situation again!


As it turned out, these also come in HTTYD themes! Of course, I'd like to collect more of these over time! ;)

Ravensburger HTTYD: THW puzzle:**

I found this gem during our recent browsing in a toy store with *Toothless*. We were about to leave disappointed when suddenly he gasped. I quickly turned my head and saw what caught his eye - a portrait of Meatlug! And there were two of them! The puzzle itself is quite special. As you can see from the label, it glows in the dark! The image is also pretty unique! Of course, we snagged them just 10 minutes before closing, but we continued to browse through the variety of puzzles, and something else caught my eye!

Ravensburger HTTYD 2 puzzle:**

This! Unfortunately, there was only one piece of this version, so we couldn't decide who should keep it, but in the end, it stayed with me. I felt pretty bad about it, but fortunately a few days later, Toothless managed to get another one! What's really interesting is that this puzzle was available back in 2014, around the release of the second movie, so it's likely that it sat on the shelves for 10 years(!)... But at least after all that time, it finally found a loving home! Soon there will also be a picture of it in its completed state!


Here are the relics that can be categorized as collectibles, made of silver or some kind of metal. I appreciate them a lot and I take great care of them! Most of them are literally irreplaceable!

Toothless pendant:

Ahh yes... One of my most valued acquisitions! TCIaS showed it to me 4 years ago. I won't go into his analysis now, as I already made a video review about him, but to this day what I stated in there is true! I really do take him everywhere where I go (even if I just check the mailbox! No joke!I cherish it and getting great care of it! I listed in here because it's the only jewelry I have of him at the moment.

Toothless rings:*

My movie director friend showed it to me at the beginning of 2023. At that time, I was already eyeing with my future wedding ring, but I really liked the design of this one, so I decided to get it too. The size fits perfectly on my index finger, and overall, it's quite well-crafted, but there are some parts that seem quite fragile (I'm mainly referring to the ears and wings). Of course, in terms of quality, it doesn't compete with my wedding ring, but nonetheless, since it symbolizes Toothless, I couldn't resist. I got two in one package when it arrived a month later!

Toothless wedding ring:*

Here's another priceless relic! By the way, I thought of the necklace as a kind of "wedding ring" and it was meant to symbolize everything that it meant. However, to an outsider it is still "just" a pendant. A good friend of mine showed me this ring around February 2023 and I just couldn't resist! If something, this could really indicate, that he means more to me, than anyone would first assume! Yes... This really is a wedding ring! I originally intended it on my ring finger, but despite I measured precisely my ring finger's exact size and sent it to the maker, unfortunately it was still a bit too large to it. The other thing I realised afterwards, is that it was originally designed for the index finger. But regardless, I still consider it as my wedding ring and it symbolizes my eternal(!) loyalty, passion, love and commitment to Toothless! (Well, if you hadn't figured it by now, here it is... that's how deeply I feel for him!) I also wear it wherever I go!


For years, I had been planning, but finally, I felt deep inside that the time had come... If anything, THIS is a true testament to commitment and indeed, it lasts a lifetime! (Literally!). Unfortunately, the culture around this has been somewhat diluted lately, but I definitely resonate with its original form. A tattoo should indeed have meaning! How to Train Your Dragon has forever changed my life (at least internally), but I wanted this to be visible externally too! Even if there is only one piece currently, it definitely deserves its own category!

Strike Class Symbol:

This symbol holds a lot of meaning for me! Firstly, it clearly depicts Toothless, and secondly, I love the minimalist style of the design, yet most of its parts are distinguishable. When I began to open up to the world in terms my passion for HTTYD, I set this symbol as my avatar on Steam as a kind of signal. I had long decided its placement too. The reason is that on Hiccup's right shoulder pad it's also there (in RTTE), so it was clear it would be there for me too! The tattoo turned out great, and it might sound strange, but I enjoyed every minute of it! It wasn't as uncomfortable as many say, but the feeling that Toothless finally becomes literally a part of me... wow... it made it quite a pleasant experience! :) However, this won't be the end of it; this was just the beginning! ;)


Here I list the relics of which I only have one. There are a few here that could fit into one of the top categories, but I would put them here for now, because they have a different purpose. It is possible that some of them will be removed from here, if I manage to get at least one or two more of them, so that they can form a separate category! They're not "inferior" by any means compared to the above mentioned ones!!!!! (Ugh.... that was horrible to write down, but I had to clarify this!)

Mini Toothless figure:

I saw him a few times in the past and also he was on the list. eBay randomly brought him up and since it really didn't look like he's going to be available any longer, I quickly ordered one while I could! It took a month to arrive from China, but he was worth the wait! He has a very cute design and also unique!

Toothless facemask:

I got him from my director friend. He probably saw it on a MondoCon or ComiCon and got me one. I also got only one of this "genre", which is why I listed in here. I really like the details on his scales!

Handmade (
glass) Toothless ornament:

Every year in my town, around the beginning of September is a festival, with also lots of vendors with all kinds of stuff. There was a craft tent and that's where I spotted him. My pulse also reached abnormal levels and I didn't want to let someone else take him! I was back soon after and quickly took him home before it was too late! Totally one of a kind piece and also handmade! I take great, great care of him and I would never let expose him to the elements of nature! Oh no! He stayed in his box to this day and if I ever find a suitable place for him in my room, he will be at a protected, inaccessible area! A real treasure!

HTTYD: THW Chipicao cake wrapping:

You could found this kind of wrapping when the 3rd film was released. I was in the office, when I saw  one of my colleagues bought one. Interestingly, she knew about my obsession, yet she didn't show it to me. The really painful part was when it suddenly disappeared from my desk and then vanished. I knew she probably ate it, because she didn't take it with her, but I didn't know where she could put the wrapping. After some searching, I found it in one of the bins... Pfft. Yeah... I'd rather not comment it... Of course, I quickly rescued it and treasured it ever since! There were two versions, luckily I was able to get both of them in time!

HTTYD: THW Chipicao cake included tazos:

These tazos came as a gift with the above mentioned cakes. I don't know exactly how many versions there were, but I managed to get a few.

New tazos:**

In chronological order, this would come after the 3D glasses (as it will be mentioned below), but I'll put it in here. My friend Toothless (when I last visited him, back in mid-March) gifted me with 6 wonderful new tazos! He has a whole heap (!) of them, and he offered me the ones he had duplicates of! <3 Thanks again, Bud! Since they're relics and there won't be any more of them, their sentimental value is through the roof, obviously! Plus, I found out that some of these are also stickers! I never opened mine back then, so I never really had a chance to see them in all their glory!

Even more tazos:**


I got these on a later visit from Toothless! Since he has quite an extensive collection of these tazos, he take another look at them and found a few more duplicates. He generously offered these 6 pieces to me as well! Thanks again, Bud!

Many more and also new tazos:**

Oh Wow! It turned out, one of Toothless's friends also collected these tazos (although not because he was a fan). He knew how much HTTYD means to *Toothless*, so he offered his entire collection to him. He got a whole HEAP of them, including some really rare pieces! (There must have been around 200(!!!) if not more!) During my last visit, he also offered me those from that pack that were two or more. I counted a total of 40 unique pieces (the bottom row of 10, my duplicates' duplicates). Thank you very much, *Toothless*! They are all wonderful, as always! :D <3

Notebook stickers:**

I couldn’t find a better place for this, so I’m putting it here. In the previous description of the tazos, I mentioned that most tazos are also stickers. What’s great is that because of this, you don’t have to sacrifice a tazo, because the same image is found under the sticker! Brilliant! During one of my visits when I was with *Toothless*, I had an idea. Since I always carry my notebook (because it might come in handy anytime), I noticed that the back of its screen was quite... bare. It only had an old note with my name written in runes. There’s so much more that can be done with it... So, I asked *Toothless* what he would think about making it much more eye-catching with tazo stickers. He agreed and picked out a few tazos from his collection which also were duplicates. I gave him the honor and let him place them however he liked. So, he applied three of them to the back of my notebook and one next to the touch-pad! (In the picture, the note was in the lower right corner, which I replaced with a beautiful tazo sticker when I got home, so all of the corners now have stickers).

However, there was still a lot of space left. The next time I went to him, I asked if there were any other types we could use to fill in the gaps, and soon enough, he came up with a handful that I didn’t even know about. Wow… now that’s what I call dedication! He has so many that even he is starting to lose track. Each one was wonderful, but after a lot of dilemma, I finally picked four and used them to fill the empty spaces on the notebook, using Toothless’s arrangement as a guide. Needless to say, the notebook looks amazing now! It looks a million times better than before! Thank you so much again, *Toothless*! :)

Toothless facemask (paper):

I saw this one when I went to a KFC along with my friends a few years ago. It was an addition to the kids menu and you could get two different kinds, Night Fury and Light Fury. Imperator was there and he ordered me a kids menu, so I could get at least one of them! That's the spirit! I ended up getting a Toothless one, which I haven't opened since! A real collector's item for me! I don't even know how he would actually look, so this is why this piece didn't got a separate category.

HTTYD advent calendarium:

I got it from Imperator before Christmas in 2019. It was the last one at the local Auchan, so he quickly grabbed it for me. The design is great and of course, I haven't opened one or eaten a chocolate bar to this day and that's stays that way! A real gem and also irreplaceable! I don't think there are many of them left by now...

HTTYD: The Hidden World playset:

I got this from him too. The little Toothless figure in the middle is incredibly cute and detailed, also can be taken out to admire him up close. The cave is also quite nicely designed and has a UV LED on the ceiling, that really lights up the insides of the cave! It looks pretty cool in the dark! You have to press the button on the top to see it, but it's still a really awesome feature!

HTTYD bed linen:

Surprisingly, this was given to me by my family for Snoggletog. I didn't expecting it at all, so it was a great surprise! Needless to say, the pillow and blanket haven't seen other linen since then and it will stay that way in the future, that's for sure! The quality of the image is simply amazing, you can't see any kind of blurriness or pixelation. Toothless is also there in huge, so they couldn't have come up with a better gift!

HTTYD: THW bed linen:**

I received this one for my hatch day, also from my family! I rarely get any HTTYD collectibles from them, so I was pleasantly surprised! This is indeed a new kind of bed linen that I first saw at *Toothless's* place. Moreover, it glows in the dark! Well, theoretically at least.

Unfortunately, in practice it's almost invisible it, but this might be because it was made around the release of the third movie, which was 5 years ago(!), and perhaps the phosphorescent paint has degraded since then... Nevertheless, the picture on it is incredibly sharp and the colors are vivid! Moreover, this is my favorite picture of third movie Toothless, which also adds a lot!

Toothless mousepad:

Also got it from Imperator. Nothing wrong with Toothless himself, I really like the chibi drawing style! My only problem is with the mousepads surface material, as it's not very slippery. Sometimes, I can feel the mouse dragging over it. I used quite a lot by now, while I work or play games and it's starting to show signs of that, so it will soon be transform into a collectors piece. Anyway, I love it and when I take my notebook, the mouse pad comes with it automatically!

Toothless plushie for w

I saw him outside in front of a small Chinese shop in my town. He was also the last one, so I didn't hesitate and got him before it was too late. His head is a bit weird, because of the not very accurate proportions, but very nice overall! Since I don't have a car, he has to stay in my room, but if I did, he would definitely be on my windshield! Technically, I should put him in the plushies category, but since his place would be originally in the car, I put him in this category.

Toothless keychain

A friend of mine (KG) showed it to me. It was also love at first sight and I ordered him immediately! The material he's made from is stainless steel and also can be worn as a pendant. The silver one had grown on me, but I also wanted to have him with me always, so I had the great idea to put him on my keychain. Since it's material is steel, I don't have to worry too much about damaging or breaking anything on him. He looks great and I LOVE it!

Burger King mini Toothless figure:

I got him from a colleague at my workplace. With a few Toothless's on my desk, it was only a matter of time, before someone brought up the topic. After a short conversation, she said that her daughter has a miniature figure of him, but she doesn't play with him anymore (Ouch!) and would give it to me as a gift! She said that unfortunately his wings were broken off, (also Ouch!) but she has them somewhere. She brought him in the next day and grew on me instantly! Sadly, she couldn't find his wings and yes, it was quite strange to see him without them, but at least I saved him from a probably "not-so-bright" future, which I'd rather not think about, but I think you know what I mean... My friend KG offered me to replicate his wing from a special plasticine (it gets hard when heated). Since I didn't know how they looked like originally, I left that part to his imagination. (He's a much better artist than me in this field.) The result turned out pretty well and he's finally free to fly (well, with help)! Very cute and also an irreplaceable piece (especially with the unique replacements)! Thanks again KG!

„Holographic” Toothless statue:

One of my latest acquisitions. My friend CJ gave him to me as a gift for my hatch day this year. Very unique, creative and looks freaking cool! He comes with a remote control, that lets you choose from 12 different colors and with numerous effects! (Like breathing, color cycle etc.) Also works with a battery, but I prefer the USB solution (he's a bit brighter that way). When I shut down my PC, it automatically switches to battery mode! Needless to say, he glows all day long and 
literally brings light into my life! (That was a very bad pun... sorry, but I couldn't help myself!) The quality is very good and the drawing  is very sophisticated and beautifully done! Thank you very much CJ once again!

Auchan "Rubbiz" pencil figures and stickers:*

You could get these between the 18th of August to the 12th of October at Auchan. (Also in some other stores, like Media Markt.) I don't know any other country had these in that period. They are very unique and because they lasted for a month, I had to collect them. They meant to be on pencils, but I really hope not as a rubber... thinking of it... Maybe that's why it called Rubbiz... Oh Thor!... I hope nobody used them for that, that would've been a real sacrilege! The figures themselves are surprisingly detailed and their material is also pretty soft and nice! Pretty good quality I have to say! On the package, you can see, it wasn't just HTTYD characters, but figures from the most known Dreamworks movies. There were Shrek, Madagascar, Kung Fu Panda etc. and for every movie, there were 2 figures. It was a mystery package also, so you couldn't tell which one you'll get. You could get one if you spent more than 7000 Forints (or around 18 dollars) in one shopping. So yeah... it's was like a Russian roulette. Obviously, I was interested with the HTTYD ones and as a first, I got Stormfly! Oh btw! Fun fact! They really messed up her name in Hungarian. Originally it's Viharbogár and yes, you can read Viharzó, which means Stormer... I don't even know how could they messed up THAT badly! It's kinda embarrassing. At least they wrote Toothless's name correctly. I got later a Toothless figure almost at the end of the deadline, so I managed to get both of them fortunately. The pictures are stickers too and I managed to get another set of them thanks to Imperator, who also got both of them and gave them to me. So one set of the stickers will definitely go somewhere. (I'm planning to place them on my new electric scooter when I get my hands on it, but that will be a little bit later.)

Update: After several months, I finally managed to buy my new e-roller and one of the first things I did was to put the sticker on it! Which as it turned out is not a sticker, but just a picture... Yes... So sorry for the workaround, but I really did NOT want it coming off on the go and that's why it's a bit over secured!

Since we're talking about the scooter, I tried to "Toothless-ify" it as well. By this, I mainly mean the lights and colors. Originally, it's matte black, which of course is not a coincidence, and the red stripes on its tail are a nod. The headlight and the ones in the middle are LED-s, but their color is originally white. I already knew back then that there could be room for improvement here, so I knew what to do. I ordered green and blue transparent and adhesive foils online, and now I can see Toothless not only in its colors but also in its lights at night.

In case it wasn't obvious to anyone, the green front light symbolizes its eyes, while the blue represents its alpha mode (more precisely, when his wonderful back spines glowing blue in that state).

Chibi Toothless:*

I got this cute little Toothless chibi ornament, from TCIaS very recently. He was on an expo in Germany and he saw him in a craft shop. He thought of me and surprised me with it as a souvenir. I Really like this chibi approach design and he does a bleep too! Awww! So freaking adorable!!! Thank you TCIaS!

Toothless sticker:*

With the above mentioned chibi Toothless, I got this sticker too! I really love the art style! It's minimalistic, but also it's sooo much him! Yes, it's a fairly big sticker and I have great trouble finding a proper place for it, but I'd really love to bring with me wherever I go. If I'd have a car, I would place it on the trunk for sure! I'll think of something. Thank you again TCIaS! I really appreciate it! :)

Hand made plasticine Toothless figure:*

My friend KG surprised me with him as a Snoggletog present in 2022. As you can see, he's fully handmade and totally unique! No casts or blueprints! He's quite elaborate and KG has some skills there for sure! He made it from a special kind of plasticine that is soft at its base form, but after some heat treatment, it becomes as hard as stone! The figure is very sweet and I really like the chibi style! I treasure it and it's also irreplaceable! It's on my desk next to the new Sideshow statue, as it should! Thanks again KG, he's really adorable! <3

How to Train Your Dragon 3 pillow:*

I received this pillow from Imperator as a Snoggletog present in 2023. He said it was the last one and worried whether I had managed to get one in time. Fortunately, I never seen this one, so it was still missing from my collection. The pictures on it are pretty good, and Toothless looks incredibly cute on it! It's quite large and very (!) soft! Naturally, it has had its place on my bed ever since! Thanks again, Imperator!

How to Train Your Dragon 2 bracelet:*

I received this bracelet as a gift from Toothless when I first visited him. He added that it hasn't been available anywhere for a long time, so it's a true rarity. He had two of them, so he gave one to me as a symbol of our eternal friendship. I'm very grateful! I hold it in high regard, and ever since, just like the ring and the necklace, I always carry it with me!

Samsung 3D starter kit + How to Train Your Dragon in 3D:*

I invited Toothless over the other day to watch the movies in 3D. (I have one of those TVs from 2010 that supports it.) I had two pairs of active 3D glasses. One was battery cell powered, and the other was rechargeable. Well, the internal battery in the latter had been dead for years, so technically only one was working. I had also planned to convert it to also be powered by a cell battery, but the design was so messed up that I couldn't dismantle it properly. I bet the dear designers family members must have sneezed a lot or accidentally or hiccup quite frequently during the disassemble... When I was almost done with the last step, somehow one of the lenses cracked, making it useless... Sigh. Since you can't get these in stores for about 10 years now, I had to turn to eBay, where I saw there was a special HTTYD edition! Well, well! I didn't have to think twice; if I needed some extra glasses, why not make them HTTYD-themed too! Plus, it even included the first movie in 3D! Well... not in physical form, but as a coupon... (I only realized this after it finally arrived after 3 weeks...) At first, I thought they had left it out or the seller had kept it for himself, because I only found a card inside. However, upon closer inspection of the box, it turned out that it really was just a coupon.

This coupon was only valid while supplies lasted and could only be redeemed in the USA... Oh... Thanks, Samsung... I was already rubbing my hands together, thinking I would finally have the first movie, but no... well, only halfway... But the 14th anniversary is coming soon, and I'll get it one way or another, so it doesn't matter. The important thing is that this is a true rarity, and I definitely consider it as a collector's item!

Night Fury scale:**

This is nothing more than one of my scales! (Or to be precise one of my scutes (the larger protective ones)). Yes, I could say it’s a personal creation. A piece of me. I recently realized that there could be a more serious, deeper and more profound use for these. It takes me 3 weeks to grow a new scute, so I offer them only to those who have earned my eternal friendship, respect, and admiration! Each one is unique, so they're irreplaceable! (Also it's quite painful to remove one from my skin... Ouch!)

Toothless keychain (rubber):**

*Toothless* surprised me with this keychain figure during our recent meeting (at the end of August 2024). It was meant to be a surprise, and he certainly managed to surprise me! He had two of them, and he uses one on his own keys, but unfortunately, the rubber holder of the other one was broken, so it mainly served as decoration. However, he took the trouble to repair it with a metal holder. As a result, it became much more durable than before. The rubber material is extremely soft and pleasant to the touch. He originally got it from a Hungarian company where it was available for only a short time. Since then, there has been no trace of it, so it is definitely an irreplaceable piece! Toothless looks incredibly beautiful, handsome, and cool, also truly reflects his essence! Since then, of course I also have him on my keychain as well! I promise I will take care of him as best as I can! Thank you so much again, *Toothless*! <3

A former fan's collection

I acquired these pieces from an individual who used to be a HTTYD fan, but I knew he had long since moved on with it and doesn't mean anything to him anymore. It's sad, but what's even sadder is that despite this, these relics were still in his possession. I've decided that these artifacts would be better off with me, where they can get actual love and care. So, I offered him a reasonable price for them. Interestingly, I already owned most what he had, so I'll just list these pieces, as they are already in the catalog, and I don't wanted to make duplicates.

- (Sideshow Toothless statue)* (I gave it to *Toothless*)
- (Sideshow Toothless and the Dragons of Berk art print) (I gave it to Kelvin)
- HTTYD 2 poster (framed):*
- Dragons: Defenders of Berk poster (framed)*
Mega Toothless*
- (
Toothless pendant)* (I gave it to *Toothless*)
- (The Black Dragon T-shirt)* (I gave it to *Toothless*)
- Dragon Games T-shirt*
- Auchan "Rubbiz" pencil figure and sticker*
- Toothless constellation T-shirt*
- Toothless portrait T-shirt*

In the meantime, fate brought me together with a true enthusiast who had long desired art the print and never expected to have it due to its rarity. I sent him the art print as a gift, and as a token of my gratitude for his dedication to Toothless and for the sake of the many beautiful memories we shared!
If someone, he was actually worthy for that art print! However, there were a few items from the former fan's collection, which I did not had! I was thinking a lot whether to place them in their respective categories, but since I bought them all together, I thought it was best to create a separate category to avoid confusion.

Update (2024.02.29.): I gladly announce that fate brought me together with another true enthusiast last December, who happens to be Hungarian too! His commitment is undeniable, and I know that I will never be disappointed in him! I made a reference to him at the bracelet earlier, but in case you missed it, here it is again. Since he use the name Toothless everywhere, so I will refer to him as *Toothless* in the future! (And if anyone, he truly deserve to use the name Toothless! He's are absolutely worthy of it!)

So to be clear... When I write Toothless I'm referring to Toothless the Night Fury from HTTYD and when I write *Toothless* I'm referring to my enthusiast friend!

Addition (2024.06.17.):

Here's a little hint of how big of an enthusiast I'm talking about! This is how his car looks like:

The blue color isn't a coincidence; it symbolizes the alpha mode! Not just in its base color, but also in the lighting! I converted the image on it's side into a vector graphic so that he could turn it into a huge sticker, and Toothless applied it with precision! The overall look is simply stunning, and its appearance never ceases to amaze us! <3 So yes... If this isn't enough proof, I don't know what is...
So, as far as I know, there are currently 2 true Night Furies (even if only in spirit) besides myself. Of course, there are probably more, but I haven't found them yet. At most, I encountered a lot of impostors... there are quite a few of those... blegh... (Shame on you all! You don't deserve this wonderful film at all!) But getting back to Toothless, as a token of my gratitude, I offered him the statue and the necklace, so now they are in their rightful place! Unlike how they were with their original (impostor) owner...

Toothless medal:*

Unfortunately, I don't know the backstory of this piece (or any of the others, really), so I can only make assumptions. It seems like it could be from somewhere like eBay or Etsy, but I haven't come across this specific pendant ever since. Nevertheless, its design is really appealing, and it's also quite big!

Mini Toothless plushie:*

Similarly, a rather unique piece that I haven't encountered anywhere else! I have no idea where he could have obtained it back in the day, but this chibi design is incredibly cute, and overall, it's a very adorable little plushie!

Toothless Pez dispenser:*

Oh wow! Another exotic one! Its head is surprisingly well-crafted, and it functions perfectly! Clearly, it's a museum-worthy piece so it would be a real shame if I were break it from use!

Toothless constellation T-shirt:*

Also a mystery as to where it could have been acquired back then, as when I was looking at shirts, I didn't come across it anywhere! The image has a really cool (no pun intended, or maybe is?) atmosphere, and it's quite large! I really love Toothless's dynamic pose and the art style! I'll definitely will wear it (especially in winter) for sure!

Toothless portrait:*

I can say the same as the previous one... It likely comes from that era when I hadn't started collecting figures, shirts, and such. The drawing style is very unique, and the colors are great! I try to take care of it, because I have a feeling I won't come across it again anytime soon...

Well, we've come to the end of the catalogue for now... Phew! It's took me a great amount of effort, but at least now you can see how far I'll go to get a relic if I have to! Of course, the list will keep growing and will expand with at least 4-5 more items in the rest of the year. However, I'm having more and more trouble placing the new artifacts due to the size of my room and I have to be more and more creative, so they won't look like a cluttered mess. I try to place them uniformly in my room, but sometimes this is more difficult to achieve than I originally think. Next year, I plan to reorganize my room a bit (after almost 20 years!) and that will free up a lot of space for the newcomers to occupy! I'd rather prefer they found me, because if I were looking for them, I'd be pretty much broke by now, because I can't just leave them there once I've seen them!

I hope you enjoyed the post and if you have also some artifacts too, please write it down in the comment section! I wonder what HTTYD relics you guys and gals have!


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