
HTTYD2 3rd Anniversary! (Fanart)

So, for the 3rd anniversary I made a little project, that I was thinking about for a while. It was inspired by Usertoothless’s Dsplash chronicles. Also, this is a tribute to him and his fanfiction!

If you're interested, click on read more!

PLEASE READ: (cause if you don’t, the following story won’t make much sense)! If you didn’t read Dsplash, I can give you a little crash course, so the story will make sense. So basically in Dsplash, there are the Gemnodes, (very strong gemlike creatures) who have the ability to travel to any universe they want. And in universe, I didn’t mean just the real universe, more like whatever universe they want. Even fantasy universes like Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, etc. The chronicles mostly centered around Hiccup and his friends, who didn’t really like these Gemnodes, and they encounter them every now or then. Hiccup later obtain a piece of their bodies, and with that piece, he can travel through dimensions like the Gemnodes. He embedded this shard in his sword Endeavor, and if he reach a certain speed, the shard activates (kinda like the Delorean) and cut a hole in the interdimensional space which connects the other universes.

BTW, I recommend you, to read the whole thing, it’s very interesting, exciting and epic! You can find it on his blog:


The other universe you have to know about is mine. So If you saw Desert Wars, (if not, you can watch it, I provided a link below*) you already have a glimpse about the world and story. That one was the first episode of a trilogy. The second will be called Pacific Wars, and it will took part two years after Desert Wars. What’s happening here, is there will be a faction who is REALLY pissed because of another faction’s action. (I don’t spoil why, for that, you have to wait). So pissed, that they built a fleet (even a carrier!) to destroy their most important base that’s happen to be on the seashore. (If it didn’t make sense, I understand, but I don’t want to spoil anything major, nonetheless, they have a GOOD reasons for it, you'll see). 

Desert Wars animation shortfilm

I think that’s enough lecture for today, now it’s time to begin. Enjoy!

(The pictures gets bigger if you click on them).

Sailor: Have you seen the new VT16 yet?
Soldier: No, I haven't.
Sailor: Everyone says it's worth a look.

Sailor: Hey! What was that flash?!

Sailor: Look! Something is coming out from it!
 It's a bird... It's a plane... It's...

Hiccup and Toothless!

Don't worry Toothless! Nobody's gonna hurt you or Hiccup!
In my world, you are always welcomed! <3

Hiccup: Wow! You guys got a pretty nice ship out here!

Toothless is curious...(as always).

Hiccup has the chance to meet the faction's mastermind, the Admiral.

The Admiral tours Hiccup around the ship and finaly,
he show they modified Mig-29 fighters, one of the
 fastest and deadliest weapons of their arsenal.
Also he introuduces Yuri to him, their best pilot.

Hiccup, has an idea about a race between him and Toothless. The Admiral approves it.

The competitors are approaching to the starting line...

...and THEY'RE OFF!

Hiccup: Woah, he's faster than I thought!

Hiccup: All right bud, show'em what you got!

 Yuri: Ha! This was easier than I thought!

Yuri: What the...

Prepearing to dive bomb in 3...2...1...


I haven't seen anything that can hold a candle to a Night Fury!

Yay! Hiccup and Toothless wins the race!

 Yuri got really sadden and embarrassed that he lost in front of the Admiral.

 But, Toothless cheer him up. (Awww...)

Well, it's time to Hiccup and Toothless say goodbye.

 They have to visit many other universes today.

Hiccup: All right bud, let's do this!

Toothless is picking up speed, so the gemshard can do it's thing.

It's go time, it's go time!

And with a flash, they're gone...


 I wonder who will they visiting next! ;)

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