
Making the Cove's landscape

As promised, I'll continue with the terrain modifications in the cove. But first, I want to apologize for the delay. I was very busy lately and I didn’t had time to work on anything at all. Fortunately, I had a little free time recently, so I could finish this part.

If you want to see the cove finally in 3D, then click on read more, otherwise well… don’t. (But, I suggest you should, even if you don’t want to. ;))


Making the background landscape

Today, we’re moving on to the terrain modification. This is a rather difficult phase, cause it will not only determine the visual look, but it will affect somewhat the gameplay too.

Click read more to... you know the drill.


Just mossing around...

As the horrible wordgame and meme hints, this episode will be about painting the moss on the rocks. This doesn’t sound very interesting so far, but don’t be misjudged, it will be quite amazing actually.

Check it out by clicking read more.


Still Rockin'

So, here we are once again, and as promised, here is the follow up to the inner rock episode.

Smash that read more link, cause this will be awesome! :D (and very long!)


Making progress!

It has been more than four weeks since I updated the Cove project. So, I think it’s about time, to finally make an update. The reason it was so postponed, that this part was very time consuming and needed a bit effort to make, so it took a fairly amount of time. I would say this is the hardest part, and also one of the most spectacular one, because it will add a LOT to the overall feel.

If you want to see it, click on read more (highly recommended)


Blog design update (Finally!)

The time has come, to finally make the blog’s design more… appealing.

Read more to see the changes.


Making the water for the lake

In this episode, I will show you how I made the water for the lake. This was a tricky one to make, so it will be a long and a bit technical one, so hold on to your helmets!

Click on read more to start the nerd rage...


Texturing the ground and forming the lake!

All right, in this post I will show you the new texture (which may will be replaced or modified in the future, I don’t know that for sure, not that if it’s bad, but I have some issues with it, but the reasons will be mentioned later) and carving out the lake, so it’s not just a plane anymore.
Click on read more for the details.


So, it begins...

In this first WIP post, I will start making the level.

Click on read more to begin the journey...


New Project Revealed!

Hi everyone! As I promised, here is the revealing of the project. 

Click read more, to see the truth!


New Project Announcement! (Future WIP!)

Today, 3 years ago from now, I saw HTTYD for the first time. (Well... kind of. It's a complicated story). So in honor for that great day, I want to celebrate it with the announcement of this new project!

Click on read more, to...um... read more.


HTTYD2 3rd Anniversary! (Fanart)

So, for the 3rd anniversary I made a little project, that I was thinking about for a while. It was inspired by Usertoothless’s Dsplash chronicles. Also, this is a tribute to him and his fanfiction!

If you're interested, click on read more!