
10th Anniversary of HTTYD (for me) + Announcement

Exactly ten years ago on this day, I saw HTTYD 1 in its entirety for the first time, marking the beginning of a new chapter in my life. I'm not exaggerating! I truly consider this day as the start of a new era. There was the period before HTTYD and the one after it! Yes... This wonderful animated film had such a great impact on me! Although it wasn't today, I still vividly remember almost everything.

In this post, I'd like to indulge in a bit of nostalgia and share stories about the main experiences I've gained over the past ten years and how the world of HTTYD has influenced and continues to influence my life.

If you're curious about what were the most memorable stories, click "Read more."


The How to Train Your Dragon in concert experience


Finally, 2024 May 25th has arrived! This day was a milestone for me in a few ways! But to explain you why, I'll give some context first. If you've been reading my blog, you might already have some idea, but if this is your first post, then yes... some explanation is needed.

If you're interested in the details, click on "read more."


Happy birthday Hiccup!

(Click on the image for the full size and open it on a new tab so you can zoom in)

It's another leap year, which means Hiccup officially celebrates his birthday today! (Based on the books). On this special occasion, I've also took a picture of the current state of my HTTYD collectibles. It was also time to do an updated one, as the last one was done a year and a half ago, and since then, I've acquired some truly beautiful HTTYD artifacts. This day, by the way, has become especially significant to me ever since I've met the beautiful world of HTTYD, and I like to celebrate it like an anniversary.

Of course, this also means that I'll soon update the collection post, (link) and new videos can be expected, as not long ago, another statue arrived, which I've been waiting for about six months...

So, I wish a great day and celebration to every HTTYD fan, and of course,

Happy birthday Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III!


Who is Toothless for me


One more year has passed... Time really flies as fast as a Night Fury! It's quite shocking to think that this time next year will mark exactly 10 years since I first discovered the wonderful, enchanting world of HTTYD (well, as it should've been in 2010...) and I'll be able to say that almost a third of my life has been about it! I already mentioned Night Furies in the first paragraph and it's not a coincidence. This post will be about them, (surprisingly) more precisely, what they mean to me and, to be very specific, who a certain Night Fury is to me! I would add that if I went into full detail, this post would be several hundred pages long (also) and I'd be writing it for months, but I have to draw the line somewhere. (For everything else, there's Discord). Moreover, I also have to take into account the TL;DR (Too Long; Didn't Read) syndrome, so this post will be a concentrated version of what I think of Toothless, who he really is, and why he means so much to me!

IMPORTANT! If you're viewing this post from a mobile device, it's crucial that you open it only on Wi-Fi, (unless you have unlimited mobile data) because it's full of large-sized gifs! (Hundreds of megabytes!) You have been warned!

If you really interested and want to find out, click "Read more!"


Gift of the Night Fury (deleted) bad dream scene animation attempt


First of all, Happy Snoggletog to all fans! My gift this year for you guys is a video that no one has ever done before. Well... as you can see on the thumbnail, this is the deleted dream scene from the short Gift of the Night Fury. Although in behind of scenes video the storyboard was shown, the animation never got done... well until now. Mostly, because I fantasize a lot how that scene would have looked if it had been made and also why such a wonderful scene had to be cut out. If DreamWorks refused to do it, then I'll finish it for them. :)

So the motivation was there, it just had to be done. Yeah... The latter one was a bit harder. This article will give you a glimpse into the background process to see why those 35 seconds cost me dozens of hours.

If you want to know more about the makings of this video, click read more!


Taka Corp. Studio's Toothless and Hiccup statue


After more than 6 months of waiting, they finally arrived! There are no words, that could describe how gorgeous, amazing and awesome this masterpiece is!!! It's unboxing was a trill, not mentioning it's assembly! I had to make serious sacrifices to have them here, but everything for them! If you want to see my unboxing, assembly and review of this relic, watch the video! ;)

Update: I managed to get the LED lighting I mentioned in the video. If you haven't seen it yet, it's a bit spoilery, so watch that first please. If you want to see it anyway, click on read more. (Wait for it to load).


Sideshow's The Hidden World Dart, Pouncer and Ruffrunner statue


A month and a half later, another box arrived from Sideshow. This time however, it was a quite compact one. Ironically, it contained 3 beautiful Night Light hatchlings, named Dart, Pouncer and Ruffrunner. With them, this set collection is now complete and also their family! If you want to see the unboxing and my review on them, watch the video! :)


Sideshow's The Hidden World Light Fury statue


A month later after Toothless arrived, another Fury landed in my room. But this time it was a Light Fury! Oh and a female one! Yes, she came from the Hidden World directly, to expand my collection with her species too! If you want to see how I helped her out from the protective box she camed with and my review about her, watch the video! ;)


8th anniversary of HTTYD (for me)! *Updated* (2024.09.06.)

It's been 8 years since I've met the world of HTTYD and it made me a lifelong enthusiast. So, this red letter day deserves a very special post! I've been considering for some time, that I should make a catalogue of what kind of HTTYD relics I own. Somewhere I found it too personal to show them all, but recently I really felt it's time for it... Come to think of it, this way I don't always have to explain anymore who's interested in them what features or abilities they have. So yes, in this post I'll show you all the pieces I have in my collection. Their number is constantly growing, (especially lately) so it's getting a bit of a mess. For this reason, it would be nice to keep track of where my collection has expanded over the years. The post will be updated when a new artifact arrives!

Click on "read more" to see my collection and their stories.


Sideshow's The Hidden World Toothless statue


After 4 years, Sideshow released a new statue of him! This time its theme is the Hidden World and the statue turned out just simply amazing! Also, fortunately I don't need to add anything else in this post that wouldn't be in the video, so if you want to see the whole unboxing procedure and my in-depth review of him, check out the video! :)


8th anniversary of HTTYD 2 + How to Animate Your Dragon!

It's been the 8th year HTTYD 2 is released, so for this occasion, I would like to dedicate a post to honor this day.

As I promised in one of my previous posts, I would like to show you, how I made the animations for my precious Toothless mod for Ark. It's not going to be as technical as it usually is, at least I'm trying to do it, with as little technobabble as possible and I'd let the pictures; or more precisely the gifs do the explanation, rather than me.

Only ONE animation out of the 81 will be analysed, so maybe now you'll have a better idea of how much work is involved in such an unique mod, especially when you have to start from scratch!

Click on "read more", if you want to see the progression!


Hatchday + Blog update

So, it’s my hatchday (the 35th) and as always, since it's a red letter day for me, I want to announce something. This time, (while I’m still working on the other projects) I updated the blog!

As you might noticed, a new icon has been added on the right sidebar. You can switch languages now between English and Hungarian.

Originally, I planned an English page only, but recently there were a few people who got interested in my blog, but they didn’t speak English. For them, I translated the whole blog, so they can read it too. It was a lot of work, but eventually, I’m so happy that I made this update! Very convenient and now I covered everyone. So no more excuses! :)

I’m planning to do a WIP post soon, a very interesting one, but I’ll need a bit more time. It will worth the wait, cause it will be a great opportunity to see really behind the curtains!

Also, I just bought something that is… umm… let’s just say… This will be amongst the most epic ones and also will be very heavy! Gotta wait a few months to arrive, but when it arrives… Oh boy!

But that’s all for now!

See you on the next post!


Riders, we have a problem! (*April fools joke*)

I have really bad news… There is a great possibility, that my Toothless mod for ARK and my other HTTYD projects (also Pacific Wars) has to be postponed, because one of my drives went bad, so there was a great loss of data. (It was more like an archive drive btw, but I also used it for other projects too. Mostly my personal ones, so maybe this is why the fate particularly targeted that drive which stored my mostly beloved projects... Just for an extra kick in the sack, that’s for sure!) I made backups, but the most recent one is around 3 weeks old. The thing is, I progressed a LOT since then! Very heart wrenching to see all that precise work and care go into nothing. Very sad and I feel a part of my soul also died with those files. I don’t know, if I could redo those animations in that quality again from scratch, but I don’t have a chance. This means I have to delay again, at least for a month. I also feel betrayed, because why it has to happen particularly with those projects! I’m broken inside, utterly disappointed in technology and just feel miserable right now. At a point, I know I will start over, but I need some time to get back on my feet.

I have some footages from the original one though. Now, I pondered about that animation sequence and concluded that, maybe I pushed a little too far… and could be a little more "compact" and optimized. So, the new one won't look anywhere near like the old one, so this is why show you before release. At least not everything is lost! (But it's just a bitter solace).

Anyway, click on read more to see the gifs!


Riders of Ark / Toothless mod updates finally!!! (Warning! Contains awesomeness!)

So… After half a year later, a new post! Sadly, it’s becoming a trend, but I hope there will be a time when I can focus on HTTYD-ish topics much more often than I can currently. Dread not, because I have some updates for you! The reason for the hiatus was (as always) work. From September to mid-December, I was working constantly from dawn to midnight without weekends… so you can imagine. Fortunately, I have a month of free time now, so I can do some progress!

Well ladies and gentlemen, around a year or so, I managed to made some major updates with my Toothless mod for ARK, so buckle up for some awesomeness! :D

Click on read more if you wanna see the updates.


My love and „hate” relationship with HTTYD

Another year passed, and HTTYD 2 celebrates it's 7th release day. In honor of this, I think the time has come to share you the other side of the coin, that you might don’t know I have with the movies.

About the title… Don’t worry, I won’t criticize (or worst), I didn’t get bored with HTTYD no no no… That’s not gonna happen! This post is nothing about that. It’s an internal conflict in me, which I can't resolve for about 5 years now… and counting.

If you’re interested what problem can cause me such a conflict, click read more.


6th anniversary of HTTYD (for me) + How to Draw Your Dragon! *UPDATE*

Hi everyone!

It's the 31th of July again, which is a huge red-letter day for me (well, for 6 years now) because on this day in 2014, I saw HTTYD for the first time, which opened a whole new chapter in my life. Unfortunately, I can't brag about some progression in my projects, because I couldn't find any solutions to my problems whatsoever, but I have something that I wanted to post for a pretty long time now. I think it's a perfect opportunity to show this and maybe it will inspire you to make some similar "things". 

If you want to know what I'm talking about, click read more.


A great loss… (*April fools joke*)

I hoped I never will be in this situation, but apparently, I had no other choice. I tried to avoid it as far as I could, but recently I was in a really desperate situation, and radical problems needs radical solutions…

Sigh… Well… How can I put this…. I’m kind of ashamed to announce, but I had to sell a great portion of my Toothless collection. :'( 

A lot of my personal belongings also went, like a bunch of used computer parts, some phones and even my fairly new laptop. But, my Toothless collection was the hardest to let go, because I was really fond to them.

I hope nobody ever get into this kind of financial situation! It’s really awful and painful at the same time. :(

I contacted local HTTYD fans in a facebook group, who might find something they didn’t had and I showed them my „inventory”. They were interested, and after some back and forth messaging, the deal was made. They offered a reasonable amount of money for them, and a few days ago, they came and my precious Toothless's went... They are loyal fans, and it's a solace in all this misery to know, that my Toothless's are in good hands. All this sacrifice was not in vain though. The money I've got was just enough to pay off my dues.

Here’s the list of the casualties:

- Sideshow Toothless statue 
- Sideshow Toothless art print 
- 2 Spinning tail Toothless action figures 
- Missile attack Night Fury 
- HTTYD: THW Toothless figure 
- Two HTTYD framed posters 
- 3 Toothless T-shirts (never been used) 
- Mega Toothless

I greatly miss them, but the story isn't over, I wrote the details below. If you want to know, click read more…


How I Met Your Dragon

The exact shot, when I saw Toothless for the first time.

I can’t believe 10 years has passed since the release of HTTYD… It feels like a lot more, but there was a lot going on in the past decade, so maybe that’s why. I wanted to celebrate it somehow that’s for sure, so I though I’ll share my “little” story of how I got first contact with HTTYD and then what kind of events draft me to realize it became my life, and I’ll never be the same.

If you want to read this very weird, bizarre and also convoluted story, click on read more


Back to the saddle!

Yes, I know it's been "a while", (more like forever...) but sadly, I had little to no time doing personal projects in the last year. Fortunately, that is changed with the new decade, and I've been working hard on them since. I'm not dead tho', I still love HTTYD and Toothless, (and will forever) so I'm not out from the fandom or that sort of thing...

As a fresh start, here's a new(ish) video from a recently released action figure. I was surprised by the new art stlye, and to be honest, it felt pretty weird at the first 0.0001 seconds, but then I realised, hey! It's very different from the previous ones, and that's actually pretty cool! So, I picked him up and went home. The rest, is in the video.

If you are from there and you're new here, then welcome aboard, feel free to look around and don't be afraid to write comments or ask anything! I would gladly reply!

I'm planning to continue making new vids, WIP's and some other "mystery" stuff in the near future. Just give me a little time, that's all I ask.

I'm very happy to be here again and getting back to the saddle, it feels like... home.


5th anniversary of HTTYD 2 and another big announcement! (*UPDATED!*)

Hi everyone! Well, today is the 5th anniversary of HTTYD 2, so I want to celebrate it somehow. I think it’s the perfect time to reveal another big project, that I’m working on for quite a long time.

If you want to see, what could this „big project” be, click read more (or you already know, if you watched the video, but whatever be the case, just click read more… please?)


New unboxing video!

Hi everyone! I have a new video for you guys. (Well, technically it's few months old, but oh well). Since Sideshow didn't came up with any Toothless collectibles meantime, and my hunger for more Toothless stuff was getting worst and worst, thankfully a friend of mine stepped in the right moment and showed me this "thing". It soothed my hunger greatly, but also amazed me, how cool it was! If you want to know what was it, check out the video. ;)

Thanks again bud! This "thing" is really cool and awesome! I love it! :D


4th anniversary of HTTYD 2 and big announcement!

Today, is the 4th anniversary of HTTYD 2! As for celebration I decided, that I release the version 1.0 of my Cove map, so finally (after almost a year) you can play on it! You can find a guide to how to play, in the video's description!

It’s the most recent version, (no, I haven’t got a v 1.1 or 1.5 anywhere) so there are no surprises from now on. Yep, I know I’m still owe you quite a few WIP posts, and I will fill up the gaps eventually.

Sadly, I kinda reached a limit in the editor and only I can improve the map greatly, if someone else who’s an expert in Unreal Editor 4 can help me with it. Still not looking bad, but I know it could be much-much better. I will keep update it though!

If you have any questions or problems, you can write it down in the comment section.

Anyway, have fun playing on it! :)


HTTYD: THW Trailer is finally here

So, finally the day for the release of the 3rd movie’s trailer has come. I saw it recently, and I've made a video review about it. Check it out, if you're interested.


Updated Toothless model

This is it! This is the post I’ve been waiting for a loooong time. I wanted to make it public around Snoggletog or maybe more earlier, but there were complications (as always). This will be about Toothless, so if you’re a big fan of him (like me) you are going to LOVE this! :)

What are you waiting for, just click read more already… yeesh.


My stupidest mistake I made on the map (yet)

Well… After more than two months, I can finally make a post about something. I was quite busy and I didn’t want to force it, cause that negates the fun part of it for me.

As I mentioned in my previous WIP post, I wanted to talk about one of the biggest and stupidest mistake I ever done, while I was making the map.

If you wanna know what was it, click on read more.


Sideshow's Toothless statue

Yeah... a bit late, but he's here! I know there are a lot of reviews by now, but that doesn't stop me for making my own. You can watch my unboxing and review of the statue by clicking on the embedded video above. But there are some things, that I want to talk about in this post, and I think these doesn't get mentioned in other reviews. So maybe it worth for you to read it. Could be instructing. (Or not).

If you're interested, click on read more.


Making the Cove's landscape

As promised, I'll continue with the terrain modifications in the cove. But first, I want to apologize for the delay. I was very busy lately and I didn’t had time to work on anything at all. Fortunately, I had a little free time recently, so I could finish this part.

If you want to see the cove finally in 3D, then click on read more, otherwise well… don’t. (But, I suggest you should, even if you don’t want to. ;))


Making the background landscape

Today, we’re moving on to the terrain modification. This is a rather difficult phase, cause it will not only determine the visual look, but it will affect somewhat the gameplay too.

Click read more to... you know the drill.


Just mossing around...

As the horrible wordgame and meme hints, this episode will be about painting the moss on the rocks. This doesn’t sound very interesting so far, but don’t be misjudged, it will be quite amazing actually.

Check it out by clicking read more.


Still Rockin'

So, here we are once again, and as promised, here is the follow up to the inner rock episode.

Smash that read more link, cause this will be awesome! :D (and very long!)


Making progress!

It has been more than four weeks since I updated the Cove project. So, I think it’s about time, to finally make an update. The reason it was so postponed, that this part was very time consuming and needed a bit effort to make, so it took a fairly amount of time. I would say this is the hardest part, and also one of the most spectacular one, because it will add a LOT to the overall feel.

If you want to see it, click on read more (highly recommended)


Blog design update (Finally!)

The time has come, to finally make the blog’s design more… appealing.

Read more to see the changes.


Making the water for the lake

In this episode, I will show you how I made the water for the lake. This was a tricky one to make, so it will be a long and a bit technical one, so hold on to your helmets!

Click on read more to start the nerd rage...


Texturing the ground and forming the lake!

All right, in this post I will show you the new texture (which may will be replaced or modified in the future, I don’t know that for sure, not that if it’s bad, but I have some issues with it, but the reasons will be mentioned later) and carving out the lake, so it’s not just a plane anymore.
Click on read more for the details.


So, it begins...

In this first WIP post, I will start making the level.

Click on read more to begin the journey...


New Project Revealed!

Hi everyone! As I promised, here is the revealing of the project. 

Click read more, to see the truth!


New Project Announcement! (Future WIP!)

Today, 3 years ago from now, I saw HTTYD for the first time. (Well... kind of. It's a complicated story). So in honor for that great day, I want to celebrate it with the announcement of this new project!

Click on read more, to...um... read more.


HTTYD2 3rd Anniversary! (Fanart)

So, for the 3rd anniversary I made a little project, that I was thinking about for a while. It was inspired by Usertoothless’s Dsplash chronicles. Also, this is a tribute to him and his fanfiction!

If you're interested, click on read more!



After much consideration, I decided, that I make a blog, to post HTTYD related content and share some of my personal stuff with you (mostly my ongoing projects (3d animations, behind the scenes, footage, etc.).

Ok, so foreshadowing what kinda stuff will be in here, I post some very early renders from my upcoming animated short film Pacific Wars. (This will be a sequel to Desert Wars). For those who don't know what I'm talking about, here is a link to the first episode:

Desert Wars animation shortfilm

(Make sure to enable the english subtitles!)

For the pictures click on read more.